Table Examples

Table in white block

You can put a table tag inside an .block class div and add .table class to it to get something like this:

Customer Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12 Pending $354
Kelly Brans 45 Success $94
Tim Howard 112 Success $156
Joe Trulli 1,256 Pending $1,120
Fred Kolton 74 Over Due $74
Table in transparent block

You can add .bg-trans and .block class to main div to get something like this:

Customer Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12 Pending $354
Kelly Brans 45 Success $94
Tim Howard 112 Success $156
Joe Trulli 1,256 Pending $1,120
Fred Kolton 74 Over Due $74
Table Striped

You can add class .table-striped and .table to a table element to get striped table:

Customer Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12 Pending $354
Kelly Brans 45 Success $94
Tim Howard 112 Success $156
Joe Trulli 1,256 Pending $1,120
Fred Kolton 74 Over Due $74
Table Bordered

You can add class .table-bordered and .table to a table element to get bordered table:

Customer Orders Location Status Order Total
John Mayers 12 Pending $354
Kelly Brans 45 Success $94
Tim Howard 112 Success $156
Joe Trulli 1,256 Pending $1,120
Fred Kolton 74 Over Due $74